Inclusive: recognizes the value and worth of all people
and things
Honoring of process: is able to allow circumstances, ideas,
and experiences to unfold
Empowered: with steeled softness, champions the weak
and vulnerable and stands firm for what is right
Intuitive: is holistic, accessing immediate perception
rather than rational thinking
Compassionate: is empathetic, warm, open-hearted
Complementary: lives in concert with others, augmenting
the whole with her presence
Connective: desires to link hands and hearts
Cooperative: is able to work with others without needing
to be in control
Diffuse: perceives and understands a wide range of stimuli
Relational: is interested in preserving and
deepening relationships
Gentle: is able to live gently with herself and others
Receptive: is open to receive the new, different,
and wondrous
Empowering: awakens others to their potential
Forgiving: realizes that we are all imperfect and that non-
forgiveness dams the natural flow of spirit
Introspective: is drawn to the spiritual and
the philosophical
Healing: carries the ability to heal body, mind, and spirit
through talent for listening deeply to her internal,
inherent wisdom
Recognizing these qualities as ones that we possess, or can aspire to possess, frequently helps us recognize and respect our innate talent to usher in to all situations the energy of love and acceptance. As with everything—and much to our chagrin at times—the revolution of compassion, caring, and kindness exemplified by the Divine Feminine needs to begin within ourselves. As the song says, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” A revolution of love, a revolution of respect, a revolution of acceptance, tolerance, and inclusion. All of these values must first be nurtured in our own hearts and souls, and in our intimate social groups, if they are to be transformative for the whole. To begin this revolution of love, we need to brave our fears, extricate ourselves from the dung heap of disrespect and dismissal, and honor who we truly are.
